David Irving

miniatyr|David Irving utanför nationalarkivet i England (The National Archives). David John Cawdell Irving, född 24 mars 1938 i Brentwood, Essex, är en brittisk författare Expert Witness Report by Richard J. Evans FBA, Professor of Modern History, University of Cambridge], 2000, Chapter 6. *"State prosecutor Michael Klackl said: 'He's not a historian, he's a falsifier of history.'" *"...Irving has never examined and interpreted facts for the simple reason that he is not a historian. He twists or suppresses evidence to fit a foregone conclusion -- the opposite of what any reputable historian does."}} och Förintelseförnekare som främst skrivit om militärhistoria kring andra världskriget. Han har skrivit 30 böcker, inklusive ''The Destruction of Dresden'' (1963), ''Hitler's War'' (1977), ''Uprising!'' (1981), ''Churchill's War'' (1987), och ''Goebbels — Mastermind of the Third Reich'' (1996).

Irving hade tidigare ett visst anseende som militärhistorisk författare, men förlorade detta efter att han inlett en misslyckad men mycket uppmärksammad rättegång om förtal mot den amerikanska historikern Deborah Lipstadt och Penguin Books 1998., ''BBC Radio 4.'' * "Yet Irving, a discredited right-wing historian, was described by a High Court judge after a long libel trial as a racist anti-semite who denied the Holocaust." * "'The sentence against Irving confirms that he and his views are discredited, but as a general rule I don’t think that this is the way this should be dealt with,' said Antony Lerman, director of the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research. 'It is better to combat denial by education and using good speech to drive out bad speech.'" * "Deborah Lipstadt is Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies and director of The Rabbi Donald A. Tam Institute for Jewish Studies at Emory University. She is the author of two books about the Holocaust. Her book ''Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory'' led to the 2000 court case in which she defeated and discredited Holocaust denier David Irving." * "After the discredited British historian David Irving was sentenced to a three-year jail term in Austria as a penalty for denying the Holocaust, the liberal conscience of western Europe has squirmed and agonised." * "...is a disciple of discredited historian and Holocaust denier David Irving." * "If the case for competence applies to those who lack specialist knowledge, it applies even further to those who have been discredited as incompetent. For example, why ought we include David Irving in a debate aiming to establish the truth about the Holocaust, after a court has found that he manipulates and misinterprets history?" * "Ironically, Julius is also a celebrated solicitor famous for his defence of Schuchard's colleague, Deborah Lipstadt, against the suit for of libel brought by the discredited historian David Irving brought when Lipstadt accused him of denying the Holocaust." * "Irving, a discredited historian, has insisted that Jews at Auschwitz were not gassed." * "David Irving, the discredited historian and Nazi apologist, was on Monday night starting a three-year prison sentence in Vienna for denying the Holocaust and the gas chambers of Auschwitz." * "Irving, a discredited historian, has insisted that Jews at Auschwitz were not gassed." * "The two best-known present-day Holocaust deniers are the discredited historian David Irving, jailed last year in Austria for the offence, and the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who wants Israel wiped off the map." * "[Irving] claimed that Lipstadt's book accuses him of falsifying historical facts in order to support his theory that the Holocaust never happened. This of course discredited his reputation as a historian. ... On April 11, High Court judge Charles Gray ruled against Irving, concluding that he indeed qualified as a Holocaust denier and anti-Semite and that as such he has distorted history in order to defend his hero, Adolf Hitler." * "Now that holocaust denier David Irving has been discredited, what is the future of history?" * "In Britain, which does not have a Holocaust denial law, Irving had already been thoroughly discredited when he unsuccessfully sued historian Deborah Lipstadt in 1998 for describing him as a Holocaust denier." * "Holocaust denier and discredited British historian David Irving, for example, asserts. .. that Auschwitz gas chambers were constructed after World War II." * "Holocaust denier: An Austrian court hears discredited British historian David Irving's appeal against his jail sentence for denying the Nazi genocide of the Jews." * "DISCREDITED British historian David Irving began serving three years in an Austrian prison yesterday for denying the Holocaust, a crime in the country where Hitler was born."}} I domen efter rättegången skrev den engelska domstolen att Irving var ”en aktiv förnekare av Förintelsen” likaväl som ”en antisemit och rasist” samt att han ”associerar sig med högerextremister som förespråkar nynazism”. I domen angavs vidare att Irving hade ”för sina egna ideologiska syften ständigt och avsiktligt förvanskat och manipulerat historiska bevis”.

Under ett besök i Österrike greps Irving och blev senare dömd för att ha ”glorifierat och identifierat sig med det tyska nazistpartiet”, vilket är ett brott i Österrike under sektion 3g i Verbotsgesetz-lagen. Han avtjänade domen i fängelse från februari till december 2006. Levererad av Wikipedia
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