Birthday stories

Introduction: My Birthday, Your Birthday, 1. The Moor / Russell Banks, 13. Dundun / Denis Johnson, 25. Timothy's Birthday / William Trevor, 33. The Birthday Cake / Daniel Lyons, 57. Turning / Lynda Sexson, 65. Forever Overhead / David Foster Wallace, 73. Angel of Mercy, Angel of Wrath /...

Πλήρης περιγραφή

Λεπτομέρειες βιβλιογραφικής εγγραφής
Κύριοι συγγραφείς: Murakami, Haruki, prefacer, Banks, Russell, Johnson, Denis, Trevor , William
Έκδοση: Vintage 2006
Περίληψη:Introduction: My Birthday, Your Birthday, 1. The Moor / Russell Banks, 13. Dundun / Denis Johnson, 25. Timothy's Birthday / William Trevor, 33. The Birthday Cake / Daniel Lyons, 57. Turning / Lynda Sexson, 65. Forever Overhead / David Foster Wallace, 73. Angel of Mercy, Angel of Wrath / Ethan Canin, 89. The Birthday Present / Andrea Lee, 105. The Bath / Raymond Carver, 131. A Game of Dice / Paul Theroux, 143. Close to the Water's Edge / Claire Keegan, 151. Ride / Lewis Robinson, 163. Birthday Girl / Haruki Murakami, 187. Acknowledgements, 209